Intermittent Fasting 4pm To 12am

Intermittent Fasting 4pm To 12am

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Instead of asking, "when and what should I eat on night shift?", how about "should I eat on night shift, at all?" For most of us, the idea of forgoing food for 16+ hours may seem ridiculous, but it's proven to help not only your waistline but also your overall health and simplify your 3rd shift lifestyle.

Grey plate with silverware

Should I eat on night shift? It's best to avoid eating between midnight and 5 am to appease your finely tuned body clock. Eat only high protein, low-calorie snacks if you get hungry. Intermittent fasting using the 16:8 method could be an effective way to simplify eating on night shift by eating over an 8 hour window and fasting for 16 hours.

As an ER nurse, intermittent fasting is a concept I am totally intrigued about.

Does doing a 'mini' fast really work for those working the graveyard shift? Is it safe? How do I structure it to still ensure productivity during nights, lose weight and feel great? Let's dive into answering all of these questions.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting, also known as cyclic fasting is basically not eating for a set period of time.

It's hard to give one definitive definition because there are so many ways and structures people all around the world are using intermittent fast.

For example, Muslims participate in Ramadan where they fast for a month from dawn until sunset.

Does this tradition continue safely because it has a structure or do Muslims have some kind of superpower that allows them to lastthat long without food?

If we explore the structure of fasting for a second, here are a few popular ways people set up intermittent fasting:

  • Eat-Stop-Eat: This involves fasting for 24 hours, once or twice a week, for example by not eating from dinner one day until dinner the next day. This is also further explained in this popular book Eat Stop Eat Book available via Amazon.
  • The 5:2 diet: With this method, you restrict the calories you consume to only 500–600 on two non-consecutive days of the week, but eat normally the other 5 days. Yep, 500… that's one McDonalds Big Mac for the whole day.
  • The 16/8 method: Also called the Leangains protocol. The strategy here is to fast for 16 hours (this includes sleep time) and then eat for 8 hours. Basically, having lunch and dinner only, whilst skipping your snack after dinner and also breakfast the following day as well.

The 16/8 method is one of the most common, and safest methods because it doesn't result in a reduction of muscle mass and the easiest to implement for those starting out.

It seems we actually don't need to eat all the time, but the message has become somewhat lost among the neon, flashing lights and food advertising everywhere we look.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

  • Promote a healthy weight (source)
  • Help regulate your body's sugar levels by stopping so many dips and spikes – even in those with diabetes. (source)
  • Support a healthy inflammation response by allowing your gut to 'have a break' from constant digestion of foods
  • Promotes your heart health by lowering your 'bad cholesterol.'(source)
  • Supports cognitive health and even may help slow or delay the onset of Alzheimers Disease.(source)
  • Live longer: Animal studies show rats that have been fasting lived 36–83% longer than those which didn't (1, 2).

Why haven't I tried this as a night shift worker? Let's read on.

Should I Eat on Night Shift_ Why Intermittent Fasting Works _ doctor

So, Should I Eat on Night Shift?

Well, you probably don't need to.


  • You stay hydrated and drink more water than you normally would
  • You don't use intermittent fasting as a way to eat rubbish. But instead stick to eating as many whole, nutrient-rich foods as possible during your 'eating window.'
  • You don't try and do too much at once: cutting calories, physical exercise and fasting.
  • You actually listen to your body and not the clock to understand what 'real hunger' feels like. This last one is the hardest part!

Let's explore these points in more detail:

Staying Hydrated and Drinking More Water Than You Normally Would


A big chunk of the water we receive every day comes from the fruits and vegetables we eat.

For example, Oranges are packed with 88% water content whereas Strawberries are a whopping 91% water.

So if you're not eating even these healthy, low-calorie foods which are very water dense,  you need to make up this lost water by simply drinking more.

Secondly, when your body is in a fasting state as we explain in the Keto Guide for Shift Workers post, our bodies look for alternate energy sources and this results in a higher volume of damaged components and toxins in the body.

It is critical that we flush out these toxins and prevent headaches by drinking lots of water. (source)

But how much should you drink?

According to The National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine, women should enjoy 2.7 litres, or around 11 cups of water and 3.7 litres, around 15 cups, for men.

Are you close to drinking this much?

If not, I'd start here because some argue that you need to drink SO much more…

Try around 4-5L while fasting to adequately get rid of all the nasty toxins.

There are some interesting suggestions that drinking sparkling mineral water can help you feel full, which can be used as a healthy alternative. This is new to me.

Dr. Axe (an online health expert) suggests that drinking carbonated water from something like a SodaStream or purchased from the store, helps regulate your blood sugar, neutralizes your bodily acids and is a much healthier alternative to soda.

SodaStreams are incredibly popular and are a great way to save money and the environment on reducing the number of plastic bottles you purchase.

Check it out on Amazon and see if it's right for you.

Don't Use Intermittent Fasting as a Way to Eat Rubbish

If you really want to reap the rewards…

Just because you're purposefully skipping a few meals doesn't mean you can go crazy down the candy aisle.

The whole point of intermittent fasting is for your body to start using a different fuel source, in fats rather than glucose or sugar.

If you keep feeding your body sugar, junk food and fatty night shift snacks, your body can never burn off the glucose or sugar to really start burning that unwanted fat. Which is the dream, right?

Once all the sugar (glycogen) stores have been used up, your body needs an alternative for energy supply; such as fat cells, which it then breaks down to help fuel your body – even on night shift.

Stick to a diet full of color and healthy whole foods which are located mainly in the outside aisles of the grocery store. You don't need to count or restrict your calories anymore.

Here are some posts you may find beneficial for ideas on what to eat during the 'eating window:'

  • Breakfast ideas: 6 Quick and Healthy Night Shift Breakfast Meal Ideas
  • Green Juice: Organifi Green Juice Review – What Nobody Tells You
  • Weight loss foods: 15 Best Foods for Weight Loss on Night Shift
  • Avoid weight gain: Does Shift Work Make You Fat? 14 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain

Don't Try and Do Too Much at Once: Cutting Calories, Physical Exercise and Fasting

So you're starting this new intermittent fasting thing to lose weight right?

Just be careful continuing to do the things which applied to a previous diet.

Cutting calories (well, maybe later on), counting points or weighing food during your 'eating window' is a thing of the past.

Being a gym nut and exercising multiple times a day is also not necessary and could be unsafe if not hydrated enough.

Yes, your body does get a kick from being physically stressed, but just take it easy while your body is adjusting to being put into a fasting state, particularly starting out.

Exercise Tips While Fasting…

Light walks, a lighter gym session, yoga and pilates are great places to start for beginners when intermittent fasting.

If you're keen to still train, this study concluded that people who used the 16/8 method we spoke about earlier, in conjunction with resistance training, 'could improve some health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass and maintain muscle mass.'(1).

So it is possible, but you need to know what you're doing.

Should I Eat on Night Shift_ Why Intermittent Fasting Works _ man holding burger smiling
Enjoy the odd burger… Within the 8 hour window only

You Must Listen to Your Body and Not the Clock to Understand What 'Real Hunger' Feels Like

I am guilty of judging what I eat based on the clock. Dan tells me off all the time about it. Yeah, I know I've got work to do…

Intermittent fasting is based on how you are actually feeling and if you need to eat rather than simply wanting to eat… because that's what you're used to doing.

In the beginning, you may feel super hungry, because you've upset you hunger hormone ghrelin. And it's going nuts thinking you're heading into starvation mode… which of course you're not.

These hungry pains and intense feelings to eat normally subsided in the first 2-3 fast periods you do and your body adjusts nicely.

[VIDEO] – This is a super interesting TED Talk I found about intermittent fasting. It's from the perspective of a nurse practitioner and nutritionist. It's well worth a watch.

Is Intermittent Fasting Unsafe?

No, it's no unsafe but may be inappropriate for some groups or individuals. Seek medical advice before you fast, if you have any of the following health concerns or situations:

  • If you suffer from low blood sugar or have issues with blood regulation
  • If you have a history of eating disorders
  • You're pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You're underweight
  • If you have issues with your gall bladder and or thyroid
  • You're currently unwell. Your body may need those vital nutrients to heal, grow new healthy cells and tissues to get better.

Women, Night Shift and Intermittent Fasting…

For some women, intermittent fasting can cause our hormones to go crazy, particularly if we under eat and don't consume enough calories.

Females bodies are super sensitive to that 'starvation state' and will naturally increase the production leptin and ghrelin, our hunger hormones.

Fasting can also, play funny games with our periods due to sensing a hormonal imbalance.

The solution? It's called the crescendo fasting method and basically means to only fast for a couple of days week, or even ONE day a week – definitely not every day!

Related Post For Women:

  • Does Shift Work Affect Your Period? Tips For Staying Regular
  • Shift Work While Pregnant: Survival Tips From 46 Busy Moms
  • 8 Survival Tips For Single Shift Working Parents

But Don't I Enter a State of 'Starvation? When Fasting?

You may hear some health professionals state things like, "fasting is the same as starving yourself, and I never consider starving a good behavior to adapt to unless you have no food to eat."

However, 'to enter starvation mode' actually takes a long time. I'm talking about days…

Therefore, this shouldn't be a reason to not try intermittent fasting.

My take away is that skipping meals at random can be dangerous because your body becomes used to a particular routine and glucose hit.

But skipping meals as part of a structured approach, such as intermittent fasting is completely safe.

See our favorite shift work tools here

And "Won't Intermittent Fasting Cause Muscle Loss?"

What struck me as interesting but also sort of obvious, is that any diet without exercise will (should) result in weight loss of both fat and lean mass, with the latter being everything besides fat, including muscle.

So if you don't exercise, even a little bit while fasting, we can lose muscle mass.

When it comes to intermittent fasting, the popular, well-researched answer is no, intermittent fasting does not result in loss of muscle mass.

Some say that during times of fasting, our bodies are actually really good at preserving muscle.

It takes hours for the body to process the protein we eat during the 8-hour time slot.

This was supported by a study done in 2016 which tested the 16/8 method on healthy 20 something-year-old males who had been weight lifting for about 5 years.

The results showed that those males who went through intermittent fasting experienced no decrease in muscle mass.

It seems there is actually no difference to our bodies if we consume protein in a smaller period of time compared to eating over the course of the day.

But how much protein should we actually be eating? I found a great book that is very reasonably priced by Brad Pilon, an expert on intermittent fasting called, "How much protein" which is worth checking out here.

Also, if you do want to keep a tight record of your progress while at the gym or using your home workout equipment, consider buying Fat Caliper to really measure your progress.

Man doing chin up, muscle back
I'll give leave this here for inspiration…

Weight Loss, Night Shift and Intermittent Fasting

A lot of the research and blogs you read online about intermittent fasting is for people working day shift, not night shift.

The big difference is that during the night, or our day time, everything in our bodies slows down or changes.

Our metabolism and the way our body processes foods are all on the go-slow leading to disruptions in our circadian rhythm, which is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

I hate talking about this stuff, but we have to face the honest facts.

Read – Is Night Shift Bad for You? 11 Truths Uncovered

What's incredible about intermittent fasting for night shift workers, is that we are giving the body what it wants, in one respect anyway, by not eating within the night time hours (if you choose this timing).

Simply by fasting through this period, your body can rest as it normally would when we are asleep.

I know we are still confusing our body clock due to the whole sleeping thing not actually happening, but at least we can cut out the eating and know we can still survive

Related posts around food timing:

  • Best practices: 9 Shift Work Best Practices You're Probably Not Doing
  • When to eat: When Should I Eat on Night Shift?
  • Night shift tips: 7 Essential Night Shift Tips: Making The Impossible A Reality

How Much Food Should I Eat During the Fasting Window?

Simple. What are your health goals and eat those!

In the beginning, it's recommended to eat a 'normal' sized meal and see what happens.

If you're aiming for weight loss and you see results on the scales, stick with it, it's working! If you're not impressed by the weight loss, cut back on a few calories.

Be careful though not to go too severe as your body is relying on a different fuel source now. Fats. So you don't want to feel fatigued due to not enough calories.

Have fun experimenting with what's working. In the beginning, bring in a few extra almonds or carrot sticks to work (when you should be fasting) if your feeling horrible, instead of using the vending machine or ordering take out.

Should I Eat on Night Shift_ Why Intermittent Fasting Works _ belly with jeans too big _
This is going to be you. Well, the weight loss anyway!

What's Holding You Back From Intermittent Fasting on Night Shift?

For Dan and I, it's psychological by far.

But what I keep reminding myself is that this IS NOT A DIET but more a lifestyle change.

I know that sounds cheesy and almost like an infomercial you watch on your break on the graveyard shift, but it's true.

Tim Ferris mentioned something that had a light bulb effect on me.

"Diets are easy in the contemplation, difficult in the execution. Intermittent Fasting (IF) is just the opposite – it's difficult in the contemplation but easy in the execution."

Tim Ferris (source)

Mind – Blow!

I need to take my own medicine here and say, don't worry what your friends, family and colleagues think.

Just because you're not eating doesn't mean you can't sit down and chat with a fresh brew of herbal tea instead.

Related: Working 2nd Shift With a Family: How to Remain a Solid Unit

How to Do Intermittent Fasting While Working the Night Shift?

It's recommended to have your 'eating window' in daylight hours to be in sync with your bodies natural process, but I know that doesn't always work, if ever,as we're usually asleep ya'll!

If this intermittent fasting idea is totally new, start only fasting 1-2 days per week with each one lasting 12-14 hours. No more.

Once you are comfortable with this routine, add a day and maybe increase the fasting time to 14 – 16 hours. Don't rush or compare yourself to others, it may take you longer to adjust and that's okay.

Here are a few different night shift eating schedules using intermittent fasting you could try using the 16/8 method. Remember this means fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8.

Feel free to make changes depending on your shift start and finishing times.

But just remember, if you can have your eating window while it's light for at least part of the time, this is perfect.

Example 1: Night Shift Eating Schedule Using Intermittent Fasting

5 pm – Wake up and start eating window

7 pm – Enjoy dinner with your family or friends

1 am – Eating window stops

1 am  – 5 pm – Fast

Example 2: Night Shift Eating Schedule Using Intermittent Fasting

12 am – 2 am – Start of 'eating window' (or start at first break)

8 am – 10 am – Finish 'eating window'

8 am –  5 pm – Sleeping and fasting

5 pm – 12 am – (the following day) – skip 'breakfast' and continue fasting

12 am – 1 am – Start of 'eating window'

Example 3: Night Shift Eating Schedule Using Intermittent Fasting

7 pm – Start of 'eating window' (after you've been the gym/walk/done a few jobs)

3 am – Finish eating window (make sure you have had your break)

7 am – 8 am – Finish work, skip breakfast (but enjoy a green or chamomile tea), shower and go to bed.

7 pm – Again, start of 'eating window' (enjoy a meal with your family or friends)

With all of these scenarios you need to think about a couple of things:

  • When will I enjoy a meal with my family? Is it breakfast or dinner?
  • Fast when it's convenient. Eat a meal before you go to work, drink only tea and coffee while at work, skip breakfast once you finish work and hit-the-hay…
  • What works in sync with what you're already doing? Are you a breakfast person? Do you like to have a big meal before work?
  • Just because you're not eating, doesn't mean you cannot be social. Consider simply having a cup of tea and sitting with your family while they eat. The temptation to eat is obviously huge but it's not impossible if you want it bad enough.
  • Don't get caught up in the numbers. 16 hours seems to be where the magic happens and maybe aim for this but don't stress if your window is a tad shorter.

If you want to give this thing a shot, I love this quote from Nerd Fitness when trying to figure out your fasting period, "maximum efficiency and minimal discomfort"

Should I Eat on Night Shift_ Why Intermittent Fasting Works _ _ Tea People sign

What to Remember When Considering Intermittent Fasting on Night Shift

Stress Less!

If you want to eat breakfast one day because your mate from interstate is over or you simply feel like it, that's okay. Your body is pretty amazing at adapting to different changes.

If you're an Olympic athlete it may be a different story but chill out if you change things up a bit.

Drink More Water Than Usual

Drink Only Zero-Calorie Drinks Like Herbal Tea and Black Coffee During Fasting Periods

If you need milk or cream in your coffee to survive, I'm not going to stop you, but you might be surprised the changes in your taste buds and waistline after changing these habits.

Related: What Should I Drink on Night Shift? 10 Energy Boosting Beverages

Stay Busy

If you're bored overnight, the lights are off and there is nobody around, you're likely to think about food right?

Stay busy using some suggestions we give here – 9 Myths About Night Shift Jobs You Probably Still Believe.

Don't Cut Calories Out Straight Away

If you are new to intermittent fasting…Small steps.

Bring a Jacket

Seems silly but you know how we get chills on night shift around 2-5 am when our body is preparing for sleep? Well, fasting can also cause chills too.

Why? Because fasting increases the blood flow to our fat, vasoconstriction happens in your fingertips and sometimes toes to compensate.

Listen to Your Body

Not to the clock, when thinking about food. If you're working out and feeling dizzy, drink more water and make sure you're eating more fats and protein during your 'eating window.'

While talking about not getting sick, we recently published titled, "How to Work Night Shift, Stay Healthy and Not Get Sick" which is full of easy to implement strategies which have saved my butt on numerous occasions!


Make sure you are giving your body the best chance to rest and restore through sleep. Using quality sleeping aids by checking out our favorites here and stick to a routine.

We also strongly recommended wearing blue light blocking glasses before bed to help you sleep. They allow you to still wind down for bed using your device, but they limit eye strain, allowing your sleep hormone to actually do their job.

We wear "Swannies" from Swanwick Sleep and we could recommend them highly enough. See their website here.

Is it right for you?

Seek medical advice if you ticked any of the boxes we discussed earlier.

Do I Need Supplements to Do Intermittent Fasting?

No, you don't, but Dr. Ax, an online health expert recommends KetoFIRE Capsules for a better, boosted experience.

These capsules promote healthy energy levels, fight food cravings and boost brain performance. Check it out on Amazon.

Helpful Fasting Resources:

If you need more information about intermittent fasting, you will find the following best-selling books very useful.

The reviews for both of these books are pretty mind-blowing and worth checking out.

  1. The Complete Guide to Fasting (Amazon link)
  2. The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (Amazon link)
  3. EAT Stop EAT (Amazon link) *this kind of intermittent fasting plan involves a 24-hour fast once or twice per week.
Click to see price and find out more

Cost-Effective Intermittent Fasting Courses

Do you want to learn more about intermittent fasting? Click on each of the links below to explore more

Udemy courses:

  • Intermittent Fasting 101 – The Complete Course
  • Diploma Certificate in Intermittent Fasting
  • Intermittent fasting-a healthy and powerful eating strategy

Other platforms:

  • Flat belly fix
  • Rapid Fat Loss using intermittent fasting principles


  • Nausea: What Causes Night Shift Nausea And How To Finally Beat It
  • Prepare for night shift: How to Best Prepare for Night Shift and Stay Healthy
  • Stay fit: How To Stay Fit While Working Nights: 12 Sneaky Tips
  • Meal prep: 12 Valuable Meal Prep Tips For Busy Shift Workers

Summary: Should I Eat on Night Shift? Why Intermittent Fasting Works

Does intermittent fasting guarantee weight loss? Well, nothing in this world is a guarantee… but there is incredible evidence pointing to lower numbers on your scales.

If you overcome the psychological elements and occasional social judgment from others while on night shift, intermittent fasting will simplify your life.

An increased likelihood of weight loss, improved heart and brain health are just some of the benefits to get excited about.

We hope you enjoyed this read about intermittent fasting while on night shift. Have you tried this fasting method? How did it go? What other strategies did you use?


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Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links, meaning we receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through our links, but this is at no additional cost to you. Please read ourdisclosure and privacy statement for more info.

Folk on bench | Intermittent fasting for night shift workers

Intermittent Fasting 4pm To 12am



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Aside from photoshop, anyone recommend a particular tool to mock-up a site/app prior to building? Bonus points with some method to attach a script or logic to objects.

Log in or sign up to leave a comment

level 1

I recently started playing with Figma. Its quite nice. They have a bunch of tutorials on their Youtube channel as well.

level 2

Figma is great. I've been using it a lot lately for projects

level 2

Run into any issues with the free version? Says up to 3 projects?

level 2

Figma just opened a plugin support too, so the community will be making some great tooling in the near future

level 2

Sketch isn't free though.

level 2

I really can't stand the XD abbreviation though.

level 1

Adobe xd or sketch of your on a Mac

level 1

Framer X or Axure may let you add scripts. Typically use Adobe XD, Sketch or Figma to design / prototype then handover for dev.

level 2

what I meant by script is like assign it to a region on a mockup or a object in the mockup. when clicked, a script is run to pull up a separate page... like a hyperlink that can run some extra code to make a mockup feel like its an app. One of my old devs used to use some app that did this.

level 1

Sketch, Figma, and Zeplin.

level 1

Sketch is really nice, especially if you want to implement material design in your app.

The bad point is you only get a 30 day trial, but depends on what you want to design and the need to update it later, one month of use should be fine.

level 1

+1 for Figma. I find it incredibly powerful and quick to create mockups and useful interactive prorotypes. The prototyping is the best I've found in any tool so far - in that it's not overly complex to work out and edit.

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  • ·October 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting your gadget that looks more unique and sophisticated with Best Rectangular Mouse PSD Mockup Template.  Get the premium design and showcase the mouse to the clients at its best.…

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free parcel shipping box PSD Mockup

  • ·October 28, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the best website of mockup design files. We introduce all kinds of PSD mockup files associated with different products. Today we are pleased to introduce a free parcel…

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Best Square Bar Chocolate Packaging Mockup

  • ·October 26, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

This is a high-resolution mockup that comes with a closed view of the packaging mockup. Introducing the unique form of Best Square Bar Chocolate Packaging Mockup with the best design…

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Free Assemble Stationery Product Mockup

  • ·October 25, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Releasing the new multiple brochures with unique and realistic forms of stationery product using the edge of graphics and technology. This Free Assemble Stationery Product Mockup is ready to showcase…

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free iPhone X Set PSD mockup

  • ·October 22, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the premium and high-resolution Free 3D iPhone 13 PSD Mockup file that displays your design. This product features the best design with premium quality. We are introducing the new…

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Top Isometric iMac Pro PSD Mockup

  • ·October 20, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the Top Isometric iMac Pro PSD Mockup for Website Screen with the best branding and designing feature. We design the most premium quality PSD file that would be the…

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Free Food Containing Packaging PSD Mockup

  • ·October 7, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the most premium and exclusive design of Free Food Containing Packaging PSD Mockup. The product is the best use for both private and commercial purposes with its unique tools.…

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Free iPad Pro 2021 PSD Mockup

  • ·October 5, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Watch the premium Free iPad Pro 2021 PSD Mockup that displays your screen design with unique identification. This is a high-resolution PSD mockup file with a premium quality mockup. It…

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  • ·October 5, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Now get Free Round Gift Box Packaging PSD Mockup with various features and innovation. Now packaging products become easy with such a Mockup and describe the product with its unique…

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Steel Shining Company PSD Logo Mockup

  • ·October 5, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get ready to use this high-resolution Steel Shining Company PSD Logo Mockup for the best showcase with businesses clients. Get the most excellent full layered object with design. The…

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Free Hulk Design T-Shirt Mockup

  • ·October 5, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get ready to use this high-resolution and Free Hulk Design T-Shirt Mockup for the best showcase with businesses clients. Get the most excellent full layered object with design. The T-shirt…

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Free Brand Liquid Soap Bottle Mockup

  • ·October 5, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introduction the Free Brand Liquid Soap Bottle Mockup best use for personal and commercial purposes. Now broadcast your home essentials products in more unique and innovative ways. Soap is an…

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Free New iPhone 12 PSD Mockup

  • ·October 4, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the premium and high-resolution Free New iPhone 12 PSD Mockup file that display your design. This product features the best design with premium quality. The iPhone is undoubtedly the…

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Free Tri-Folder Business Brochure PSD Mockup

  • ·October 4, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the Free Tri-Folder Business Brochure PSD Mockup best to showcase the PSD file with premium quality. The file is having a unique packaging feature with a different design. The…

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Free Picture Frame PSD Mockup

  • ·October 4, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the high-quality mockup files that come with a closed view and different mockups. Get the unique quality of Free Picture Frame PSD Mockup with the best design and features.…

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Top Glass Jar Bottle PSD Mockup

  • ·October 4, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

This is a high-resolution mockup that comes with a closed view of a rounded box mockup. Introducing the unique form of Top Glass Jar Bottle PSD Mockup with the best…

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Free Black Notebook Cover PSD Mockup

  • ·October 4, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

This is an exclusive Free Black Notebook Cover PSD Mockup design for commercial purposes. Get the best high design notebook Mockup PSD file with customizing objects. The notebook is an…

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iMac 2021 Computer PSD Mockup

  • ·October 2, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the free iMac 2021 Computer PSD Mockup template for your best presentation in office, work, and other cultures. This is the high-resolution PSD file with high graphics best for…

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Drinks Coffee Cup PSD Mockup

  • ·October 2, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the Drinks Coffee Cup PSD Mockup file best present for your Coffee, Soda, and Soft drinks. The file provides the best branding and designing images of the Aluminum Can.…

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Free Hang Door PSD Mockup

  • ·October 2, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the premium and free Free Hang Door PSD Mockup with the unique design and feature. It is a high-resolution mockup that comes with a closed view. Easy to work…

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Realistic Mens Jacket PSD Mockup

  • ·October 2, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the world of mockup design with Realistic Mens Jacket PSD Mockup with the most realistic showcase. The product provides the best showcase and is easy to use and…

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Free Realistic 3D Company Logo Mockup

  • ·October 2, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the most unique and premium quality of Free Realistic 3D Company Logo Mockup that embraces the beauty of the company. It is a 4K PSD mockup file with UI…

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Triple Advertisement Billboard Stationery Mockup PSD

  • ·October 1, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the Triple Advertisement Billboard Stationery Mockup PSD that is broad and wider to advertise your product. The advertisement board is purely based on the formation of a mockup file.…

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Best Curved Wide Ultra Edge TV PSD Mockup

  • ·October 1, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

The Ultra Edge and Best Curved Wide Ultra Edge TV PSD Mockup showcases both your TV and curved design. The design and quality of the TV express the beauty of…

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Free PSD Business Card Stationary Mockup

  • ·October 1, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the excellent design of a free PSD business card stationery mockup that helps in featuring your company and its services. Get the best way to express and innovates the…

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Free Designer Computer Website Mockup

  • ·October 1, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the best and free designer computer website mockup that showcases your computer and website design. The design and quality of the computer templates are allowed you to features all…

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Free Letterhead Stationary PSD Mockup

  • ·October 1, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

The Logo design of the Company indicates the power, skills, and strength of the company. Therefore, you need to hire the most unique logo that looks different from others and…

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Free Hand holding Pillow PSD Mockup

  • ·September 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the world of mockup design with Free Hand holding Pillow PSD Mockup with the most realistic showcase. The product provides the best showcase and is easy to use…

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Premium iPad mini PSD Mockup

  • ·September 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Watch the premium iPad mini PSD Mockup that displays your screen design with unique identification. This is a high-resolution PSD mockup file with a premium quality mockup. We already present…

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Free Tesla Sports Branding Car Mockup

  • ·September 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Now make your car look more safe and sophisticated with a free tesla sports branding car mockup template.  Get the premium design and showcase of the vehicle with the PSD…

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Best Soap Box PSD Mockup

  • ·September 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the best PSD Mockup design content-box use product. Get download the best soap box PSD Mockup product because of the various services. The product box of the soap…

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Best High Resolution iPhone Mockup

  • ·September 30, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the gadget that looks more unique and sophisticated with Best High-Resolution iPhone Mockup Template.  Get the premium design and showcase the phone to the clients at its best. An…

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Free Fashion Poster PSD Mockup

  • ·June 19, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the unique form of Free Fashion Poster PSD Mockup with the proper specifications and designs. This is a new high-resolution mockup that comes with a closed view. A poster…

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Best Designing Candle Light Mockup

  • ·June 19, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the product with a unique design and formation. Get the Best Designing Candle Light Mockup Template file that showcases the clients with its services and features. Get the best…

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Free Face Shield Pack PSD Mockup

  • ·June 19, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Experience the unique and designing mockup for your best fashion expression. Get the Free Face Shield Pack PSD Mockup file that showcases your new clients. The Covid-19 is one of…

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Paper Box Realistic Mockup Template

  • ·June 19, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the world of Mockup with Paper Box Realistic Mockup Template. A product that features the most unique design and top-quality mockup. This product also helps us to innovate…

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Free Pink Dropper Bottle Mockup Template

  • ·June 19, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the product with Free Pink Dropper Bottle Mockup Template. A product that features the most unique design and top-quality mockup. The dropper has multiple uses. The product is mainly…

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Free Street Laptop PSD Mockup

  • ·June 17, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the brand new Free Street Laptop PSD Mockup for the best client presentation. Now make the transaction and display it using the best graphic design. The laptop is a…

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Free Plastic Wrinkled Reflection Mockup

  • ·June 17, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the Free Plastic Wrinkled Reflection Mockup file for your unique plastic wrinkled design. It is a free and realistic wrinkled mockup for the presentation of your product branding. Get…

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Free Glass Beer Bottle PSD Mockup

  • ·June 17, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the best Free Glass Beer Bottle PSD Mockup file for the unique packaging. It is a high-resolution PSD mockup file best showcase for the presentation. Glasses are the equipment…

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Apple Iphone Screen PSD Mockup

  • ·June 17, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the brand new Apple iPhone Screen PSD Mockup for the best client presentation. Now give the best impression of your apple product by using the best mockup design. Another…

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Free Ice Soda Cup PSD Mockup

  • ·June 17, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the Free Ice Soda Cup PSD Mockup file for your best and unique design for the cup. It is a high-resolution mockup file that inserts the best signature of…

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Free Candy Chocolate Packaging Mockup

  • ·June 16, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get ready to use this high-resolution Free Candy Chocolate Packaging Mockup for the best showcase with business clients. Get the most excellent isolated object with design. Packaging system in the…

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Free Plastic Shopper Bag PSD Mockup

  • ·June 16, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

This is one of the most unique and creative Free Plastic Shopper Bag PSD Mockup with the most realistic showcase. The product provides the best impression over the clients that…

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Free Book Cover PSD Mockup

  • ·June 16, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get the most unique and premium quality Free Book Cover PSD Mockup with the most realistic showcase. The product provides the best impression and is easy to use and customize.…

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Free High-Quality Apple Watch PSD Mockup

  • ·June 16, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Watch the premium and Free High-Quality Apple Watch PSD Mockup that displays your Apps design with unique identification. This is a high-resolution PSD mockup file with a premium quality mockup.…

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Free Trifold Business Brochure Mockup

  • ·June 16, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Get download the Free Trifold Business Brochure Mockup best use for personal and commercial purposes. Now broadcast your colorful trifold in more unique and innovative ways. A brochure is an…

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Free Paper Door Hanger PSD Mockup

  • ·June 14, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the Free Paper Door Hanger PSD Mockup best to showcase the file with premium quality. The file is having a unique advertising feature with different designs. A Paper door…

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Online Coffee Business Card PSD Mockup

  • ·June 14, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the Online Coffee Business Card PSD Mockup with the unique design and feature. This is a high-resolution mockup file that comes with a premium design. Easy to work under…

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Free Crypto Currency PSD Mockup

  • ·June 14, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Presenting the Free Crypto Currency PSD Mockup best to showcase the PSD file with premium quality. The currency is having a unique feature with a different design. The crypto currency…

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Free Cosmetic Jar PSD Mockup

  • ·June 14, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Introducing the Free Cosmetic Jar PSD Mockup file best to showcase for presentation. The file provides the best packaging images of jar mockup. Get the most premium quality PSD mockup…

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Free Round Neck Women T-Shirt Mockup

  • ·June 14, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Now show your unique and designing Free Round Neck Women T-Shirt Mockup file. The product is also easy to showcase for both personal and commercial purposes. T-Shirts are exceptional and…

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Free Mini Square Chocolate Packet Mockup

  • ·June 12, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to another version of PSD Mockup. Get the product with the most unique design and formation. Introducing the Free Mini Square Chocolate Packet Mockup file. This mini square packet…

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iPhone X in Simple Mode PSD Mockup

  • ·June 12, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the world of Apple products. A mockup that showcases the uniqueness in design and quality of the product. Hence, presenting the Free iPhone X Sketch Mockup scene. The…

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Free Business Flyer Stationery PSD Mockup

  • ·June 12, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

A pleasure to introduce the most unique design of the Free Business Flyer Stationery PSD Mockup. Make the next level of success by showcasing the design of stationery with clients.…

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Free Company Sticker Logo Mockup

  • ·June 12, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

Welcome to the most premium quality Mockup file. Today we are introducing the best design of the Free Company Sticker Logo Mockup. Make the next level of success by showcasing…

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Free Standing Plastic PSD Mockup

  • ·June 12, 2021
  • ·Subhojit Banerji

We are pleased to introduce the most unique design of the Free Standing Plastic PSD Mockup. Get the next level of success by showcasing the design with clients. This plastic…

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